Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Jog Blog day #8 - Catch up

Okay, so I haven't blogged any of my runs in quite some time and I'm sorry I've dropped the ball *groveling.* Anyway, I've been running in a few different places and not anywere near the mines. They've been a little closer to home and there's been a lot more wildlife around these parts. I still feel quite blessed to be so close to the outdoors and so many beautiful places (even if they are a little drier than the mountains). Some days, on the trails, I saw up to 23 lizards basking in the sun and one was even 1 1/2 feet long! Here are a few pics of where I've been running and my aquaintances along the way.

A sweet tower of power! Although it's scary running under so much energy buzzing above you.
A view of the valley from the top of the nearest hill by our house.

So, for Father's day, I found out that my wife and family are very supportive of my commitment to running and they got me all of this wonderful stuff. The "Pillow" tie (awesome!) and light (just as awesome!) are from my wonderful wife so I can rest when I'm not running and see where I'm going if it ever gets dark, or if I get eaten by a rabid animal they can find what's left of my body! The camel back is from my parents so I'm not dehydrated on my runs and the running socks are from my grandparents so my feet stay happy on the rocks and dust. Thanks everyone for your love!So yesterday, once I got all set up with my gear and my tactical knife (which may have come in handy), I set off into the wild. Once in the dirt and tall grass, I realized a good part of my trail was almost covered by growth and I had a hard time figuring out where to go until I saw it become more defined in front of me as it rose up the steepest of all the climbs I've taken so far. After my run, I took a look at my GPS and it told me I went up 600 feet and back down 600 feet. It never leveled off and it never let me rest. I thought I was going to die 3/4 of the way up and I had to stop for a while. I'll tell you one thing, I'll never do that trail again, I can't do 1 mile of up and then 1 mile of down, I need some flat stuff to actually run on. Sheesh!

Creepy spider nest where the spider actually ran out and tried to attack my shoe. Made me jump like a mad man.
So happy to get back to the jeep and some safety.

"Wish I had som PF Flyers"


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