Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Jog Blog Day #4 - You're It

So today was a little different from the regular runs. We took care of our friend's children for the night so I couldn't exactly get out in the dirt for a real run. I decided to keep track of my distance in their back yard as we played the girl's favorite game: Infinite freeze tag. What's that you ask? I'm it . . . the . . . entire . . . time. . . So I ran a lot, a whole lot, 40 minutes of non stop chasing midget ninjas. And the best part is, halfway through, the smallest one (who is 4) decided to incorporate a defense from my tagging them with a swimming noodle. She started handing out badminton racquets saying, "Weapon, weapon, here's weapon." The game took a bit of a turn at that time, but thank goodness I'm so darn agile (like a panther). I'm pretty good at the game until they flee to the club house. I'm too big to crawl in there before they're all out and back on the lawn so I have to sit and wait like a lion for it's prey. Okay, never mind, that was a little creepy, but it's a fun game to play. The end.

"Wish I had some PF Flyers"


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